Weekly fellowship
- Following the conclusion of the gospel trips for Bible distribution in Paris and various European French-speaking cities on September 9, give praise to the Lord who has done superabundantly above what we could ask or think over the last five months.
- Pray that the many seeking ones who were contacted and who have begun meeting with the saints will remain hungry for the Lord’s word and open to the saints, and that all the saints will rise up to meet the great need of shepherding them.
- Pray that saints from abroad will be raised up to participate in the next phase of shepherding trips, to stay in France for periods of 30 to 90 days for more concentrated, detailed care of the new ones and for the raising up of new churches.
- Pray for the way to gain new university students as the new semester begins.
- Pray that the Lord will raise up new lampstands in Rouen, Lille, Versailles, Mertzig (Luxembourg), Geneva (Switzerland), Marseilles, Toulouse, Caen, Nantes, and Montpellier.
- Pray that all those who have applied to serve full time in France will receive their visas in a timely manner.
- Pray that by summer 2025 there will be a team of 20 full-time serving ones in Paris to take care of the Lord’s needs throughout France.
- Pray that many students, families, and mature saints will migrate to France within the two years for the Lord’s interest.
(For detailed reports on the Olympic gospel trips, along with a special report presented at the July 2024 Semiannual Training and a presentation on migrating to serve in France, use the following link: https://www.lordsmove.org/reports.html)
- Pray concerning the ongoing developments relating to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and that the Lord will protect the tripartite being of all the saints and will rule in the heavens over every aspect of this conflict so that the result will shame His enemy and advance His economy on earth.
Pray for the completion of the purchase of a house next to the meeting hall in Madrid, which will give the church in Madrid ownership of an entire block, and will greatly enhance the usefulness of the church’s property both for the local needs and for the Lord’s move in the Iberian Peninsula.
Pray for the Lord to release the funds to pay the purchase price of 1,360,000 euros.
(To read the letter presenting the situation concerning the property in Madrid, open the latest “Prayer Burdens” document found in the following webpage: https://www.lordsmove.org/information.html)
- Pray for the leading brothers’ training in various states in September, that the speaking and leading of the ministry can become the speaking and leading among the churches.
- Pray for the saints burdened for young people to be raised up and for the establishment of a service group for teenagers and young working saints.
- Pray for this term of the full time training, that each trainee would receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness to reign in life while receiving the Lord’s training.
- Pray for the process of relocating the FTTA from Anaheim to the greater Boston area according to the clear burden of the coworkers.
- Pray that the Lord will move on the local college campuses in Irvine this school year, to gain many more of the young generation for His purpose.
- Pray for the labor at the UC Irvine campus, that the connections made with incoming students during the summer orientation programs will be strengthened, and that the outreach for the fall 2024 quarter, beginning on September 23, will be under the Lord’s direction and blessing.
- Pray that the young people’s hearts will be preserved for the Lord through this new school year, and that adequate shepherds will be raised up to care for each one of them in a practical and consistent way.
- Pray that the young people will be seeds of the gospel in their respective schools, and that the Lord will continue to use them to shepherd their friends who came to the young people’s gospel meeting in the spring.
- Pray that the Lord will bring all the saints in the church into a life of shepherding, a shepherding that is universal, mutual and according to God.
- Pray that the saints will get into the ministry in a regular, definite and consistent way, personally and with companions, using the resources available online.
The above are some of the current prayer burdens that the saints may bring to the Lord in their personal or corporate prayer; however, the saints should be exercised to follow the leading of the Spirit in their prayer.