Weekly fellowship


  •  Pray that the saints in the churches will enter into a richer and deeper experience and enjoyment of Christ for the expression of Christ for the fulfillment of God’s economy, according to the speaking released in the July semiannual training.

  • Pray that all the ongoing and upcoming trainings conducted via webcast in localities throughout the earth will be under the Lord’s blessing and headship to bring all the saints in the Lord’s recovery under the same speaking and vision, and to help them think the same thing.

  • Pray that all the saints will pray over the word, deal with the word, and give the word a full thoroughfare in their being so that the word will be eaten, digested and assimilated to become their constitution.

  • Pray for the many open contacts in the cities of Marseilles, Montpellier, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Caen, Rennes, Nantes, Strasbourg, Brussels (Belgium), Lille and Paris, which have been visited by gospel teams during the “torch relay” leading up to the Olympic games.
  • Pray for the remaining gospel trips during the Olympics and Paralympics which will continue through early September, in Paris, Lille, Rouen, Mertzig (Luxembourg), Geneva (Switzerland), Lyon and Strasbourg.
  • Pray that the Lord will continue to bring the seeking ones to the Bible tables and open their hearts to receive the Lord and have further contact with the saints.
  • Pray that the Lord will gain local French speakers, especially those of the younger generation, along with their families for the church life.
  • Pray that the existing churches in French-speaking Europe will be strengthened by the gospel teams.
  • Pray that the Lord will raise up new lampstands in Marseilles, Toulouse, Montpellier, Caen, Nantes, Lille, Mertzig (Luxembourg), and Geneva (Switzerland).
  • Pray that by summer 2025 there will be a team of 20 full-time serving ones in Paris to take care of the Lord’s needs throughout France.
  • Pray that many students, families, and mature saints will migrate to France within the next couple of years for the Lord’s interest.
  • Pray that the Lord will cover and rule over any disturbances from the enemy that will hinder the distribution.

For updates on the gospel trips, visit the “Lord’s Move to Europe” website using the following link and open the latest “prayer burdens” pdf:  https://www.lordsmove.org/information.html

For the report on France given during the July 2024 Semiannual Training in Anaheim, visit the “Reports” page of the “Lord’s Move to Europe” website using the following link:  https://www.lordsmove.org/reports.html

  • Pray that as the deadline has passed for the city to provide its response regarding the permit for the meeting hall renovation, the Lord would quickly release the approval and there would be no more delay.

  • Pray for all further steps of the renovation process in the coming months.

  • Pray for the perfecting of the leading brothers in India following the trainings that were just given to them, that the Lord would gain a group of brothers for His service and testimony in this country.
  • Pray for one-third of the saints to be released to carry out the begetting and nourishing for the increase of the church in Colombo.


  • Pray for the Lord to perfect the seeking Chinese-speaking saints in the churches in truth, life, and service, through this year’s perfecting training, whose subject is “Shepherding According to God”.

  • Pray for the release of the burden of this training, for the Lord’s speaking through the brothers, and for all aspects of service.

  • Pray for this year’s elections at all levels of government, that the Lord would put in positions of power those who fear Him and will carry out policies that are according to His will and conducive to His move.
  • Pray that God will continue to bless the United States and keep her strong for the sake of His recovery not only in this country, but in the whole world.
  • Pray that people will turn from lawlessness and divisiveness and seek God and be willing to come under His rule so that they may come to know Christ as the Desire of nations.  


  • Pray that the Lord will preserve the college students during the summer, that they will redeem the time and continue to enjoy the Lord and fellowship with the saints wherever they are.

  • Pray that the Lord will use the summer to begin drawing the incoming students, and that the saints will make meaningful connections with these students during the multiple sessions of the Student Parent Orientation Program (SPOP) on campus throughout the summer. 


  • Pray that the saints will think the one thing – the subjective knowledge, experience and enjoyment of Christ – for the growth in life unto maturity and for the living of the Body life.
  • Pray that among us there will be a recovery of loving the Lord Jesus with the first love and of loving one another in the practical blending for the oneness, the building up, and the reality of the Body of Christ.
  • Pray for the continued shepherding and gaining of our recent gospel contacts and new ones.

The above are some of the current prayer burdens that the saints may bring to the Lord in their personal or corporate prayer; however, the saints should be exercised to follow the leading of the Spirit in their prayer.