Weekly fellowship

Dear saints:

We are glad to announce our 2024 Children's Work Conference, which will be held on November 9. This year we will conduct this time in a hybrid format, with an in-person location at the church in Anaheim District 1 meeting hall. Translation will be provided into Chinese, Korean, and Spanish. Donation $10.


9:30 am — 10:30 am    First session

10:30 am — 11:00 am  Break (light snack)

11:00 am — 12:00am Second session 

(no lunch provided)

Registration is due by the end of the day on November 3, 2024.

Click here to register.

Dear saints,

On Thursday, October 10th we will resume the bi-weekly working saints fellowship with our brother Minoru. We have found these times to be so encouraging and supplying, and we look forward to the Lord's continued speaking for the building up of His Body and the preparation of His bride.
We hope that all of the working saints will endeavor to join these times of fellowship.
When: Every other Thursday (beginning 10/10/24)
Time: 8p - 8:30p
Location: Zoom 

Meeting ID: 840 2985 9454
Password: amen

Heb. 10:25  Not abandoning our own assembling together, as the custom with some is, but exhorting one another; and so much the more as you see the day drawing near.

1. The church in Sacramento is in the process of purchasing a new meeting hall to replace its existing one due to deteriorating neighborhood, limited parking capacity, and the tragic memories associated with it. The deadline for the church in Sacramento to secure funds in the amount of $3.25 million for the new hall is October 15. If you would be burdened to donate to the church in Sacramento, you can do so directly or through the church in Irvine’s website by designating your offering as being for the “Sacramento Meeting Hall”.  For the full letter from the church in Sacramento, please click here.

2. The church in Madrid, Spain, would like to purchase a house next door to its meeting hall for approximately $1.5 million, that would, together with the meeting hall and a second neighboring house already purchased and owned by the church, give the church possession of an entire city block. By such consolidating the ownership of the whole block, the church anticipates multiplying its capacity to host conferences and receive hospitality for the purpose of blending, since Madrid plays a central role in the Lord’s move in Europe’s Iberian Peninsula.  If you are burdened to make a donation to be applied towards the purchase of this house in Madrid, you can do so directly or through the church in Irvine’s website by designating your offering as being for the “Madrid House”. For the full letter from the church in Madrid, please click here.

Registration is now open for the 2024 December semiannual training which will be held in-person for both the Live Training at Anaheim and the Webcast of the Live stream at Irvine Hall 1 for the English, Chinese and Korean languages.


- Live Training at Ministry Conference Center, 2431 W. La Palma Ave., Anaheim, CA

- Webcast/Video Training in Irvine at Hall 1, 4252 Irvine Center Drive:

  • English - Main Hall (Foyer/Courtyard side A)
  • Chinese - Main Hall (Main entrance/Culver side B)
  • Korean - Multi-Purpose Room


Monday, December 23 - Saturday, December 28 (4:00 pm and 7:30 pm daily)

Registration Donation:

- Live Training in Anaheim: $210 per seat (Outline book included)

- Webcast in Irvine: $135 per seat (Outline book included)

LAST DAY to register: October 30, 2024

- No additions after due date for the Live Training in Anaheim.

- Webcast late fee of $25 may apply.

Please read and review the following important items as reminders and updates to the registration:

- There should be one account login per registration. (Couples or families should have separate logins).

Full-time means you intend to attend all the meetings.

- Part-time (Live or Video) means you will attend the meetings which you have selected to attend based on your schedule. You can only be marked excused or absent from the meetings you selected. You are allowed to attend any of the unselected meeting(s). The registration forms will list the meetings to be selected when the part-time option is selected.

- Full-time shared seat: A part-time shared seat is not allowed. Any shared seat must be occupied full-time. Therefore, it may be a better option to register for two part-time seats for flexibility rather than trying to fill a full-time shared seat.

- Live Training Registration:

  • You must complete all steps outlined by the form to be completely registered.
  • There must be a corresponding registration for both the Irvine registration form and the LSM form.
  • The leading brothers will review and approve the list of registrants attending the Live training.

- Age restriction: All those who participate in the semiannual trainings must now be 18 years old and over (at the time the training begins), without exception. This applies to registrants for the live trainings in Anaheim and for all the video trainings.


1) Login at churchinirvine.org.  

2) Go to "My Account"   

3) Press "Registration" category button. 

4) Select +Webcast or +Live registration from the drop-down menu:

5) Click “here” to go to the appropriate registration form: Fill out the form(s) and required fields. Make sure to click “Submit” at the end of the forms to complete your registration.

Receive Email Confirmations (check spam or junk folder if not received in inbox) for confirmation on your registration details and to ensure you are properly registered. For the Live training, you also should receive an email from LSM along with a payment link.

Registration changes or updates: You may return to “My Account” 🡪 “Registration” to make updates or changes to your registration or to submit your donation at a later time. You will notice that the button has changed to “Update” so you know you have registered properly.

For saints who are unable to login to register, problems or questions regarding registration please email: training_registration@churchinirvine.org

We would like to announce that this year’s International Thanksgiving Blending Conference will
be held in Atlanta, GA, from Thursday, November 28 through Lord’s Day, December 1, 2024. We
would like to extend an invitation to all the churches and individuals to participate in this gathering.
The meeting schedule is as follows:

  • 1st meeting: Thursday, November 28 ....................... 7:30 PM
  • 2nd meeting: Friday, November 29 .......................... 10:00 AM
  • 3rd meeting: Friday, November 29 ................................. 7:30 PM
  • 4th meeting: Saturday, November 30 ..................... 10:00 AM
  • 5th meeting: Saturday, November 30......................... 7:30 PM
  • 6th meeting: Lord’s Day, December 1 ........................9:30 AM

All the meetings will be held at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atrium Ballroom, located at 265
Peachtree Center Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30303 and will be open to the public. There will be
translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Some additional languages may also be
included. Please see the attached information regarding the details of the conference.
Please pray that the Lord will take more crucial steps in the advancement of His purpose during
this gathering.

Further information can be found here.

The church in Irvine will hold its next English-speaking gospel dinner on the evening of Friday, December 6th. Please save that date and begin to pray for the Lord to give us names of those we should invite. Further details will follow.

Praise the Lord for supplying the churches in Southern California with His rich speaking during this last weekend’s SoCal Labor Day Weekend Blending Conference!

Many of the saints has been requesting access to the recordings of this conference. You may access them here:

May the pneumatic Shepherd continue to feed the flock of God in Southern California to reproduce Himself in us organically as faithful shepherds to fulfill His purpose in and through us!

Since starting the Truth Pursuit program in March 2005, the church has covered 1,624 Life-Study messages at a relatively modest pace of 2 messages per week! Anyone following this program would have now read 81.85% of the 1,984 total messages in the Life-Studies, including both Old Testament and New Testament. At this pace, we will complete the Life-Studies in their entirety by sometime in 2026!

Reading two messages of the Life-Studies a week is very feasible. For instance, the Life-Study of Zechariah has 97 pages broken up into 15 chapters. This translates to slightly more than 2 pages of Life-Studies daily (assuming you read 6 days a week). Depending on the pace of reading, this could take roughly 5 minutes of your time each day.

Additionally, in order to assist your digestion of the Life-Study messages, the church can send you emails each week with study questions to direct your considerations for each Life-Study message. If you do not receive these emails currently, you are welcome to join the church’s email distribution list by clicking HERE and signing up to receive these emails.

Given the reasonableness of following the church’s truth pursuit schedule, we encourage all the saints to join in this corporate pursuit of the truth in the ministry together as we all seek to arrive at the oneness of the faith and of the full knowledge of the Son of God, at a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ! (Eph. 4:13)

To follow the current reading schedule, please refer to the schedule under the Truth Pursuit tab.

Offerings to the church in Irvine can now be made via Zelle.

The church’s Zelle account is: Zelle@churchinirvine.org

The benefit of making offerings by Zelle is that there are no transaction fees charged to the church. If the offering is for a particular matter please designate that in the memo field.

If your Zelle limit is below the offering amount you would like to give, it is often possible to raise that limit by requesting that your bank increase your transaction limit.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For those already using Zelle related to other matters (e.g., paying rent for corporate housing), you should continue using the same Zelle address as before.

For any questions please email offering@churchinirvine.org. (Note: Do not Zelle funds to this email address)

Upcoming Events: Please see calendar here