
Weekly Gospel Hour


A time for prayer and fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel in Irvine, every Lord's Day, 7:30-8:30 pm, via Zoom. All saints are welcome.

For more information, please contact Lazarus Sun at 949-413-1057.

Bibles for America Table

Weekly Bible Distribution:

  • Saturday, 6/11, at OC Public Library at University Park
  • Gather for prayer at 1:30 pm
  • For more information, please contact
    • Thomas Chung: 201-294-1217
    • Charles Lee: 626-371-6227
    • Lazarus Sun: 949-413-1057
    • Danny Won: 949-246-3593

Online Gospel Links

Bibles for America gospel resources:  gospel.bfa.org
New BfA Video: gospel.bfa.org/burden
Reference Guide to BfA Website (prepared locally): BfA Guide